Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Coney Island Lager from Shmaltz Brewing

This is described as a beer that combines old world brewing with new world flavor. I’m not sure in what way that sets it apart from any other craft brewery, since basically all the styles we brew have their roots in old world tradition. That said, I had to give this beer a chance (if only for the label - never a good reason to choose a beer, and yet one I succumb to all too often).

Pours fizzy with a vigorous but thin head, color is like bronze or natural stained wood.

Very little aroma. What there is is citrus.

First hit is bready from the munich malt, then sharp and citrus. Hop character is understated at first but the noble hop character really comes across in the aftertaste. Malt character is present, but not cloying.

Sharply carbonated and tickles the mouth. A little creamy, seems to coat the inside of the mouth. Finishes dry.

Overall, a lovely, drinkable lager. I could drink a case of these (but it wouldn’t be good for me). Not at all heavy handed.

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